I love it when my kids make me laugh! Not because I think what they are doing is childish or anything like that, but when they really make me laugh...that gut busting, tear jerking kind of laugh.

Dylan makes me laugh when he tells me jokes...not the ones out of the books, the ones he makes up. And Travis, well, Travis makes me laugh with his somewhat skewed view on life!
Megan makes me laugh with her "girliness". She tries so hard sometimes not to be girly, but she just can't help it.
The kind of joy that our kids bring to our lives reminds me of the joy that the Father must feel when He looks at us each day, knowing that through the death and resurrection of His Son, He has adopted us into His family. He sacrificed His BEGOTTEN Son, to bring us into His family as ADOPTED sons and daughters! Amazing God and Amazing Love!