I (Ben) had the great privilege last week to celebrate with my amazing wife our 13th Wedding Anniversary! We kind of had to look back at this Anniversary because the real day was the end of June, but being able to get away for a week was worth the wait! We enjoyed some time with Sarah's parents and then traveled on to Glenwood Springs, CO to stay at the Hot Springs Lodge and swim at their pool (the largest Hot Springs Pool in the world)! We also got to ride a gondola to the top of a nearby mountain where there is an amusement park and tours of the Glenwood Caverns. We took in wonderful scenery and were reminded of the beauty of God's creation, but more importantly I got to spend time with my beautiful wife! I titled this "Anniversaries Abound" because there is another Anniversary that I need to write about, but that will come next month!
Thank you all for the joy you give us by praying for and supporting the work that God has given us to to for Tentmakers Bible Mission. There are many years to come and many joys to be had! Some pictures from our trip...enjoy!