Monday, April 29, 2013

Chickens, Snow, Websites, and Kansas City!

That's right, chickens! We are now the proud owners of 9 chickens. For those of you who care about breeds (3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Ameraucanas, and 2 California Whites). We decided as a family that we needed some animals to take care of so we can learn the value of God's creation and we pray that they will be a great source of provision as well. The picture above is from right after we brought them home. They are much bigger now and we are all ready for their BIG MOVE to the coop!


I know, it looks like we ran Travis over with the van, but in reality, he buried himself in what was the 4 foot drift that climbed its way over the hood of the van! In the last 2 weeks, we have officially received 42 inches of snow! It seems kind of crazy that as I write this letter it is 70 degrees outside! It reminds me of a line in a book that Sarah read, "There are only 3 seasons in Wyoming, Winter, July, and August"! Here we come, July! Anyway, it has been good to have all of this moisture around because much of this area is agricultural and survives on the water supply. We are very thankful to God that He sent His Son to be the Living Water that never runs dry!

In 2006, TBM posted it's previous website and it served the Mission well for many years. However, as you know, all things "technology" become obsolete pretty much over night. So around 6 months ago TBM embarked on the adventure of designing and producing a new website. The new site features smoother navigation, higher levels of functionality, and implementation of technology that wasn't available in 2006! We are so thankful for the input and help of all those who put in so many hours to get this completed! If you haven't seen it, please visit where you will be able to see the upgraded and updated website. Take some time to look around, see the new features. We praise God for the ability to use this kind of technology to further the work of His Kingdom!

Kansas City

This is not a picture of Kansas City, but rather a picture of a unique landmark on the way to Kansas City from where we live! This landmark is called the "Great Platte River Road Archway". But I wasn't driving to Kansas City to see this archway along the way! I was actually on my way to the Leadership Forum for Association of North American Missions of which TBM is now a member organization. You can visit to find out more about the Association. I enjoyed a great time of fellowship, food, and learning as I was able to meet many Missions Organization leaders from all over the country and sit under the teaching of people who have much more wisdom than I have to offer! It was an "iron sharpening iron" kind of week, except the "iron" that I was being sharpened by was much sharper than I am (insert joke here :)) But I am so thankful to have spent time learning from faithful servants! Thank you for your prayers as I was gone on that trip.