Friday, August 2, 2013

What's the big deal? The chicken definitely came first!

So, in our case we know that the chicken came first, for sure.  We've been feeding the things since before Easter and now, they are finally going to start feeding us!  No, we aren't going to have more meat on the table, but we ARE celebrating because in the last 2 days, our chickens have laid their first 2 eggs.

Yep, fresh "farm" eggs is all I have to say.  The picture on the top is the first egg, laid yesterday...and you guessed it, the second picture is the second egg, laid today.  The funny thing is, I never realized how hilarious chickens would sound when they are laying an egg.  I'm even laughing a little bit right now thinking about it.  But...on to the more important our case, the chicken came first, then the egg(s).  Also, if you are wondering, yes, those are fake golf balls in there too.  We put those in there, because, you see, chickens are not all that smart...actually to be more accurate, they are downright stupid.  So, we put in these "round egg looking things" to help them to know where to sit when they are laying an egg.  I don't really know if that's what helped them, but one way or the other it worked.  All I know is that my egg sandwiches will taste much better now!  No more Walmart eggs...Yipee!

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